
28 août 2015

Who Wants to Kill the Cat ?

Super happy to face some new challengers for a special sprint duringGlemseck 101 next week !

They will battle to race against our ‪#‎sprintbeemer‬ next week during Glemseck 101 : 

Ehinger Kraftrad Harley Davidson FXDX 120R,

Kraftstoffschmiede BMW ‪#‎catkiller‬

Mecatwin Jawa ‪#‎sprintbike‬

> Challenge accepted for the sprintbeemer ! can't wait to play with you buddies émoticône grin

19 commentaires:

  1. BE7381EB73Hudson40F36C7235décembre 28, 2024

    türk takipçi
